What Foods Should I Avoid During Invisalign Treatment?

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What Foods Should I Avoid During Invisalign Treatment?

What makes Invisalign different from other orthodontic treatment plans? It’s flexible and comfortable fit to the patient’s teeth and mouth give them a practically invisible fix to a healthier looking smile. Invisalign treatment gives you the time, space, and separation from your treatment to eat without interruption of your trays while also giving you an easier and more thorough cleaning for both your teeth and the appliance. While one of the many benefits of having Invisalign is being able to eat whatever you want, a healthy diet is a key aspect to treatment. Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati at Hanson Place Orthodontics near Boerum Hill, NY are here to explain that it is important to keep up with a healthier diet, especially when undergoing your Invisalign orthodontic treatment.

What foods should I avoid?

  • Hard Foods and Candies: Things like potato chips and pretzels, with a quick and easy snap, aren’t likely to interfere with your Invisalign treatment because they aren’t hard enough to push your teeth. However, foods like Jawbreakers, hard shelled breads, and uncooked carrots are only a few of the foods that shouldn’t be eaten during treatment according to a Hanson Place Orthodontics professional. Even hard candies that you suck on should be avoided, as the residue they leave behind feeds plaque. Hard fruits and vegetables are definitely a healthier option, but should be cut into smaller pieces. But if possible, stick with softer options like bananas, grapes, and strawberries.

  • Sticky Foods and Candies: For those with braces, chewing gum is on the top of their “do not eat” list. But what about Invisalign? Dr. Yakov Eisenberger, Dr. Rahul Gulati and the Hanson Place Orthodontics team agree that gum with Invisalign is a bad combination. In fact, not just gum but rather all sticky foods and candies should be avoided. Sticky foods, like jelly beans, caramel, Starbursts, etc. can pull and tug at the aligners, possibly breaking or damaging them.

  • Avoiding Specific Drinks: Drinks like coffee, tea, and wine can easily stain your Invisalign aligners. These drinks often leave the aligner tinted darker and looking dirty, thus leaving your teeth to look discolored. With hot coffee, hot tea, and other hot drinks, the high temperatures can warp or misshapen the aligners, possibly leading to an extended orthodontic treatment time. It is important to note that drinks such as soda and coffee can be detrimental to both the health of your teeth and your overall health. Although it is fine to drink every once in awhile, Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati suggest to limit the amount of intake, and to always rinse afterward. Soda is found to be very acidic, breaking down your tooth enamel. The sticky properties of soda mean that the sugar will cling to your teeth effectively and provide a food source for bacteria.

Invisalign doesn’t just require money or technology, it requires responsibility. Brushing your teeth, cleaning your trays, and staying away from these foods or habits will make your Invisalign process easier and faster. If you’re looking for an experienced Invisalign orthodontist near Boerum Hill, NY to help you during your orthodontic treatment, then Hanson Place Orthodontics is here for you! You can call 718.622.2695 to schedule an orthodontic consultation with Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati, or to connect with any of our friends at Hanson Place Orthodontics who will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. So what are you waiting for? The beautiful smile of your dreams is only a call away!


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