Invisalign for kids in Brooklyn, NY

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The Premier Option for Early Orthodontic Intervention

Selecting the right orthodontist is the initial step toward enhancing your child’s smile and boosting their self-esteem. At Hanson Place Orthodontics, we take pride in pioneering advanced orthodontic solutions, including Invisalign for kids in Brooklyn, NY, specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of children.

Through the expertise of our orthodontists, Dr. Yakov Eisenberger, Dr. Rahul Gulati, and Dr. Rosie Katz, our practice caters to families across Brooklyn, NY, providing a contemporary substitute to conventional orthodontic methods.

Discovering Invisalign First

Invisalign First is revolutionizing early orthodontic care, offering a specialized solution for children with a mix of baby and permanent teeth. These clear aligners are expertly designed to expand the dental arch, effectively addressing malocclusions—commonly known as misaligned teeth.

Invisalign’s proactive approach not only improves tooth alignment but also creates necessary space for incoming permanent teeth, providing a holistic solution to various orthodontic challenges without the traditional metal braces.

Advantages of Invisalign First for Young Patients

Invisalign First stands out by allowing children the liberty to enjoy their preferred foods without limitations. The removable nature of these aligners means no food is off-limits, whether it’s apples, popcorn, or even caramel treats—just brush before reinserting the aligners!

With Invisalign First, the need for unexpected orthodontic visits is greatly reduced. The unique design of the aligners prevents common issues like broken brackets or protruding wires, ensuring a smoother and less disruptive treatment experience.

Many children feel self-conscious about wearing metal braces. Invisalign First aligners are almost invisible, sparing your child from unwanted attention due to orthodontic devices. The smooth plastic of these aligners also means less irritation and discomfort compared to traditional braces.

Employing state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology, the treatment plan for Invisalign First is precisely mapped out from the beginning. This leads to quicker and more predictable results, minimizing the frequency of orthodontic visits and better accommodating the busy schedules of modern families.

Addressing Common Orthodontic Concerns with Invisalign for Kids in Brooklyn, NY

  • Tooth Protrusion: Often called “buck teeth,” this issue involves the upper teeth extending too far over the lower teeth. Invisalign First aligners are effective in gently repositioning these teeth to a more appropriate alignment.
  • Arch Development: Proper development of the dental arch is vital for accommodating a full set of permanent teeth. Invisalign First aids in this development, helping to prevent future overcrowding and alignment problems.
  • Spacing and Crowding: Invisalign First is adept at managing spaces between teeth and alleviating crowding, ensuring a more organized and healthy dental structure.
  • Aesthetic Alignment: Beyond functional improvements, Invisalign First also enhances the aesthetic appearance of a child’s smile. It aligns teeth more symmetrically, boosting both the appearance and the child’s confidence.
  • A-P Correction: For children whose upper and lower teeth do not align correctly front-to-back, Invisalign First offers necessary adjustments to enhance both the function of the bite and its aesthetic profile.

At Hanson Place Orthodontics, we are committed to leveraging Invisalign First to transform and nurture young smiles with cutting-edge care that respects the needs and lifestyles of our families in Brooklyn.

Special Features of Invisalign First for Pediatric Orthodontic Care

Invisalign First is meticulously designed with unique features that cater specifically to the evolving dental requirements of young patients. These attributes make it an excellent choice for children embarking on Phase 1 orthodontic treatment:

  • Eruption Tabs: Built directly into the aligners, eruption tabs play a pivotal role by providing the necessary space for emerging permanent teeth. This feature is essential for allowing new teeth to develop correctly and integrate smoothly into the existing dental alignment without interrupting ongoing treatment processes.
  • Blue Compliance Indicators: Invisalign First is equipped with blue compliance indicators that fade from blue to clear to help ensure that the aligners are worn for the appropriate duration. This visual aid is invaluable for both parents and orthodontists to monitor and confirm adherence to wearing schedules, ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Replacement Aligners: Recognizing that young patients may occasionally misplace or damage their aligners, Invisalign First offers the option for replacement aligners. This provision ensures that the treatment continues uninterrupted and on schedule, providing peace of mind to parents by mitigating the impact of potential accidents on the overall treatment plan.

Comparing Braces and Invisalign for Children

While braces have traditionally been the go-to orthodontic treatment for children, Invisalign presents compelling advantages that might make it a preferable option for your young ones.

Braces, with their metal brackets and wires, are highly visible and can often lead to discomfort for the wearer. In contrast, Invisalign aligners are crafted from smooth plastic and are virtually invisible, minimizing both the aesthetic impact and discomfort associated with orthodontic correction.

The complexity of cleaning around braces can compromise oral hygiene and elevate the risk of dental problems. Invisalign aligners are completely removable, simplifying the maintenance of good oral hygiene so that children can continue their regular brushing and flossing routines without obstruction.

Traditional braces come with a list of dietary restrictions to prevent damage to the brackets and wires, limiting children from enjoying foods like popcorn, nuts, and certain candies. Invisalign, on the other hand, allows children the freedom to eat whatever they like since the aligners can be removed during meals.

While braces remain fixed in place and require minimal day-to-day management beyond regular orthodontic adjustments, Invisalign aligners demand a higher degree of responsibility. They must be worn for the prescribed 22 hours per day and managed appropriately, including removal and replacement after meals.

Invisalign aligners offer greater flexibility and adapt more easily to a child’s lifestyle, causing less disruption to daily activities and comfort. This attribute makes Invisalign an appealing choice for families seeking a less obtrusive orthodontic treatment that aligns with an active lifestyle.

A Step-by-Step Process Guide

STEP 1: Initial Consultation

The first step is a consultation at Hanson Place Orthodontics, where Dr. Eisenberger evaluates your child’s dental structure and discusses the suitability of Invisalign for their orthodontic needs.

STEP 2: Custom Treatment Plan

Leveraging cutting-edge 3D imaging technology, we design a detailed treatment plan specifically for your child. This plan will detail the expected tooth movements and the estimated timeline of the treatment, ensuring a clear path to better alignment.

STEP 3: Receiving Aligners

After the custom aligners are manufactured, your child will receive their first set. These aligners should be worn for about one to two weeks before switching to the next in the series, allowing teeth to gradually shift toward their ideal positions.

STEP 4: Regular Check-Ups

We’ll schedule regular visits to check on your child’s progress and adjust the fit of the aligners as necessary. These appointments are generally quicker and less frequent than those needed for traditional braces, respecting your time and convenience.

STEP 5: Completion and Retention

Once your child has moved through the series of aligners, we’ll conduct a final evaluation to ensure the treatment goals have been met. To maintain the new alignment, a retainer may be recommended.


Your beautiful and healthy smile is just a click or call away!