
which braces are right for me

Know Are Braces the Right Choice for Me?

If you’re wondering, “Are Braces the Right Choice for Me?” you’ll want to examine the type of braces. You will also need to see an orthodontist in Brooklyn, NY. Beginning with a complimentary consultation at Hanson Place Orthodontics can offer the answer and more. Which Braces Are Right for Me? Making a choice to get […]

Difference Between Braces and Clear Braces

Know the Difference Between Braces and Clear Braces

Whether you’ve been referred to an orthodontist or are just researching braces on your own, the world of orthodontics can become confusing. Braces, Clear Braces, Invisalign, and a dozen other terms may be floating around on your screen. Let Hanson Place Orthodontics help clear some of the confusion. How Braces and Clear Braces Work We […]

Why Choose an Orthodontic Specialist in Brooklyn

Why Choose an Orthodontic Specialist in Brooklyn?

If you’re wondering “Why choose an orthodontic specialist in Brooklyn?” you may not even know what an orthodontic specialist is. You went to your dentist for your normal check-up and they told you to find one, right? While an orthodontist also wants you to have excellent oral health, their focus is toward correcting your bite. […]

Give the Gift of a Great Smile

Give the Gift of a Great Smile

When you think of gift-giving, most people won’t even think to give the gift of a great smile. What exactly do we mean by that? Making an appointment with an orthodontist for a loved one (or even yourself) for braces or Invisalign treatment. Sounds as cool as getting a toaster or a vacuum cleaner, right? […]

Foods to Avoid with Invisalign and Braces

Types of Foods to Avoid with Invisalign and Braces

Although braces may be a significant shift in your lifestyle, they don’t have to affect your diet as much as you think. There are certain foods to avoid with Invisalign and braces, but it isn’t a heart-stopping list. The good news is that once your treatment is complete, you will be eating all the “forbidden” […]

Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats

Unique Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Navigating Halloween treats with braces can be different, but it is not difficult. You will still be able to eat yourself silly munching on candy and other seasonal treats. Just as with the list of foods you should avoid, there is a list of Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats. If your bag, bucket, or pillowcase is stuffed […]

Foods to Eat With Braces

Foods to Eat With Braces: A Guide for Orthodontic Patients

Although you may fear being on a mashed potato diet while wearing braces, it really isn’t that bad. When you first get your braces and following adjustments, your mouth may be a bit tender. Aside from restrictions designed to avoid damaging your braces, you will be able to maintain an almost “normal” diet. Some of […]

Orthodontist with the best reviews in Brooklyn

Orthodontist With the Best Reviews in Brooklyn

When you are looking for the orthodontist with the best reviews in Brooklyn, New York it means you care about your smile. The doctors at Hanson Place Orthodontics care too. In fact, your smile is their primary concern and making it great is what they do. What an Orthodontist Offers You A story often told […]

Can Invisalign Fix my Underbite?

Can Invisalign Fix My Underbite?- All You Need To Know

If you have an underbite, you may be wondering “Can Invisalign fix my underbite?” The answer varies with the degree of the underbite. Invisalign can be effective in correcting some underbite problems, while others may require a combination of treatments. To find out if Invisalign would be right for your underbite, you will need to […]

Can Invisalign Fix My Gap Teeth

Invisalign for Gap Teeth: Can It Help?

If you’re thinking of getting braces .. hold on just a minute. Have you heard about Invisalign? If not, it’s about time you do. Invisalign is one of the most advanced technologies in the dental field today. It single handedly solved all the problems of traditional braces, whether the looks, the oral hygiene and even […]



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