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Invisalign Treatment Length Explained: Key Factors & Tips

Invisalign Treatment Length: What You Need to Know Before Starting

  Invisalign has become one of the most popular alternatives to traditional braces, offering a discreet way to straighten teeth. One of the most common questions patients have before starting treatment is, “What is the typical Invisalign treatment length?” Understanding Invisalign treatment length is crucial for setting expectations. While the time it takes for each […]

family orthodontics

Growing Together: The Importance of Family Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic care is a crucial aspect of dental health. And, when it comes to family, a unified approach can bring several benefits. Managing oral health within the family setting streamlines the process and ensures that everyone’s dental needs are met efficiently. This blog explores why family orthodontics is essential and how it adds value to […]

adult orthodontic treatment

Invisible Braces: A Clear Choice for Adults

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for teenagers anymore. More and more adults are turning to clear braces and aligners to achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. They are now embracing adult orthodontic treatment to correct misaligned teeth, improve oral health, and enhance confidence. Orthodontic issues don’t necessarily vanish after the teenage years. Many adults continue to […]

Orthodontics for Adults

Orthodontics and Jaw Pain: Causes and Solutions

Jaw pain is a common concern that affects many individuals. At Hanson Place Orthodontics, we understand the significant link between orthodontics and jaw pain as part of comprehensive orthodontic care. Misaligned teeth, issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and bruxism (teeth grinding) are just a few causes. The discomfort associated with jaw pain can range […]

Invisalign near me Clinton hill, NY

Invisalign Near Me

At Hanson Place Orthodontics, we understand the benefits of orthodontic treatment. Our team of orthodontists remains dedicated to providing orthodontic care such as braces, clear braces, Invisalign, and Invisalign Teen in Clinton Hill, BK, Greenpoint, BK, and surrounding areas of Brooklyn, NY. What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a clear choice for straight teeth! These clear […]

getting braces from a dentist

Can I Get Braces From My Dentist?

A beautiful smile can do wonders for one’s confidence and self-esteem. For those looking to straighten their teeth and achieve that perfect smile, braces are a common orthodontic solution. A question that many potential orthodontic patients ask is, “Can dentists provide orthodontic treatments in Brooklyn?” or ‘’can dentists do braces?’’ Well, the easy answer is […]

Swimming with Braces

Summer is Here! Can I Go Swimming with Braces?

With the arrival of summer, many individuals with braces may wonder if they can partake in swimming activities without any concerns. The good news is that swimming with braces is generally safe, allowing you to enjoy the summer season to the fullest. In this blog post, Hanson Place Orthodontics explores the topic of swimming with […]

Do you need to change toothpaste frequently?

How Often Should You Change Your Toothpaste?

No, you do not have to change toothpaste frequently. As long as you use a Fluoride-based toothpaste recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA), you can use almost any toothpaste indefinitely. Whether you use a gel, paste, mouthwash-infused, or some other hybrid type, there are only a few reasons you might need to change toothpaste […]

Braces in Brooklyn NY

12 Questions To Ask Your Orthodontist About Braces

Seeing your orthodontist can be a nerve-wracking experience. After all, your mouth is about to have new hardware inside it that you will have to wear every day until your treatment is complete. But the best way to feel better about your treatment is to ask questions about it. So, Hanson Place Orthodontics will guide […]

Whiten Teeth with Invisalign

Whiten Teeth with Invisalign: 4 Important Reasons for Treatment

Teeth whitening makes you look more attractive and feel more confident. Over time, our teeth can become stained, discolored, or yellowed due to food, drinks, and smoking. Fortunately, if you want to whiten your teeth with Invisalign, it’s possible and provides many benefits. So, if you’re looking for the best Invisalign in Brooklyn, NY, Choose […]



Your beautiful and healthy smile is just a click or call away!