Know the Difference Between Braces and Clear Braces

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Know the Difference Between Braces and Clear Braces

Whether you’ve been referred to an orthodontist or are just researching braces on your own, the world of orthodontics can become confusing. Braces, Clear Braces, Invisalign, and a dozen other terms may be floating around on your screen. Let Hanson Place Orthodontics help clear some of the confusion.

How Braces and Clear Braces Work

We need to begin by stating that “Clear Braces” are not Invisalign treatment. Although Invisalign trays are clear, and they are braces, Clear Braces are different.

The largest difference between braces and Clear Braces is the materials. Traditional metal braces are stainless steel and use a similar-colored archwire. Clear Braces use a clear, ceramic bracket that allows the natural coloration of your teeth to show. Metal braces are very visible while Clear Braces are low-profile and less noticeable.

Both treatments work in the same manner. The orthodontist mounts brackets on your teeth that will remain in place throughout your treatment. Each bracket is connected to the archwire, which is tightened to create tension. The tension created by the archwire is what moves your teeth into the correct positions. Small elastic bands are used to hold the archwires in place on each bracket.

Looking at the Difference Between Braces and Clear Braces

As we mentioned, there are several different types of orthodontic appliances in use to straighten smiles. Because normal treatment periods range from 12 to 18 months and sometimes longer, making an informed decision is integral to your treatment. We want you to be pleased with your treatment type, as it will make a difference in the overall success.

In many instances, the type of treatment selected is based on the cost. Pricing between the types of treatments is quite comparable when you factor in other variables. For our discussion here, ceramic brackets are slightly higher in cost than metal brackets.

What we mean by “variables” is that while Invisalign costs slightly more, you will have fewer in-office appointments. This means less travel and waiting time, so it balances out the slightly higher cost. We ask that you consider those variables when selecting your treatment type rather than basing your choice solely on cost.

To sum up, the main differences between these two treatment types are the construction material and the general appearance. Metal brackets are more visible than ceramic brackets. Metal brackets do offer a slight advantage in durability, but you will have a list of foods to avoid during treatment to avoid damaging your appliances.

Get More Information at Hanson Place Orthodontics

We hope that we have cleared up some of the confusion about the different types of treatments. Whether you select metal, ceramic, or another type of treatment, Hanson Place Orthodontics offers exceptional expertise. Our doctors and staff have excellent training and are eager to provide compassionate care for your orthodontic needs.

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